
Waste Neutralizers

Waste Neutralizers
Waste neutralization systems even out the pH levels of wastewater by mixing high and low pH waste streams, or by adding acids or caustics when required...
Waste neutralization systems even out the pH levels of wastewater by mixing high and low pH waste streams, or by adding acids or caustics when required. Wastewater includes the backwash and spent regenerants from ion exchange regeneration and other process waste streams.

Although regulations for pH levels vary from location to location, most counties and municipalities regulate the pH of discharge water to between 6.0 and 9.0.

Wastewater is mixed in the waste neutralization tank. If the pH is below 6.0 caustic is added, if above 9.0 acid is added.

N/A, 29 Royal Rd, Guelph, ON N1H 1G2. Tel: 519-836-0500; Fax: 519-836-9373.