
Tubular Ultrafiltration Membranes

Source: SpinTek Filtration, Inc.
Ultrafiltration membranes concentrate latex and kaolin, oily wastewater, nuclear waste and many other tough-to-treat streams

Ultrafiltration membranes concentrate latex and kaolin, oily wastewater, nuclear waste and many other tough-to-treat streams. The wide 1 in. center channel allows the tubular membranes to handle feed streams with widely varying process compositions and characteristics.

In combination with the SpinTek rotary microfilter, the S Series Tubular Ultrafilters concentrate oily wastewater to above 50%, precipitated heavy metals to 60% or greater, and latex to greater than 50%. The membranes are available in a wide variety of materials and pore sizes to handle most applications. Special hydrocarbon filtration, solvent-resistive and high-temperature tubular membranes are also available:

  • PVDF, PES, PS, PAN and ceramic membranes
  • Pore sizes 5000 to 100,000 NMWC
  • Tubes in 5, 10 and 10.5 ft lengths

For more information, contact:

SpinTek Membrane Systems, 16421 Gothard Street, Unit A, Huntington Beach, CA 92647

Fax: 714-848-3034.