Tubular Heat Recuperators
But that's just the beginning. They also help you lower energy costs, easily and effectively control process air temperatures and reclaim a fast return on investment.
No other company manufactures a more effective Tubular Heat Recuperator than Exothermics. Our units are installed in hundreds of sites around the world, and we are quickly becoming the preferred choice for high temperature heat recovery equipment. Here's why:
Our Tubular Heat Recuperators are accepted and endorsed worldwide because they simply perform better. Features include:
Boundary Layer Breakdown
Exothermics Tubular Heat Recuperators have a proprietary tubular core design in which the placement of the heat recovery tubes assures a breakdown of air boundary layers in and around the tubes. The design creates a turbulent movement of the hot gas and process airstreams, resulting in more efficient heat transfer and optimum heat recovery.
Multi-Pass Designs
Crossflow and multiple pass designs are available. Multiple pass designs are used when the application requires greater effectiveness. Units can be manufactured so that the multiple passes are on the shell side, where the gas stream passes over the tubes several times before exiting the recuperator. Other applications may require a multiple tube pass design.
Various options are available. Our Tubular Heat Recuperators can be ordered without insulation or with external insulation when a hot flange connection is required. Where cold flange connections are involved, the unit is designed with internal ceramic fiber insulation.
Exothermics Inc., 5040 Enterprise Blvd., Toledo, OH 43612. Tel: 419-729-9726; Fax: 419-729-9705.