
TC-99 Color/Tannin Removal

Source: Biomin, Inc.
"TC-99" has the highest capacity of commercial sorbents for the removal of negatively charged tannic and humic compounds
"TC-99" has the highest capacity of commercial sorbents for the removal of negatively charged tannic and humic compounds which act as pre-cursors for trihalomethane (thm) formation.


  • Removal of humic and fulvic substances
  • TOC reduction in boiler feed water
  • TOC reduction in electronics component manufacture
  • TOC reduction in industrial process water
  • Reduction of "THM" formation in domestic water prior to chlorination
  • Color removal in food process water

TC-99 Media can effectively remove 80% or more of these contaminants based on actual field and lab tests. The brown and yellow color associated with humic an fulvic acids is significantly reduced, particularly when "TC-99" is placed ahead of ion exchange resins, membranes or activated carbon.

The introduction of chlorine into waters containing humic an fulvic substances tends to break down these large molecules and form "thm" pre-cursors. It is recommended that "TC-99" media be used ahead of chlorination treatment for optimum removal of these contaminants.

This organoclay is designed to remove total organic carbon from water. Particularly high molecular weight, natural organic matter, such as humic and fulvic acids, chlorophyll, and other color bodies.

Biomin, Inc., 741 West Oakridge, Ferndale, MI 48220. Tel: 248-544-2552; Fax: 248-544-3733.