Sludge Blanket/Clarity Measurement System
The sludge blanket measurement is important because, if the blanket becomes too thick, mechanical breakdowns and /or denitrification can occur. On the other hand, if the blanket is too thin, that can result in inefficient process operation and increased disposal costs. Reliable blanket level information can also provide an early warning of a biological upset condition that can cause prolonged operational problems.
The system includes a transducer, a transceiver, and a controller device. The system generates two, 4-20 ma analog outputs: one for the sludge blanket level, and one for percent clarity. There is also a display of the two process variables, as well as various alarm and control relays. In addition, the CCS2000 system is factory pre-configured for immediate start up.
<%=company%>, 205 Keith Valley Road, Horsham, PA 19044; Tel. 215-674-1234, Fax. 215-674-2731.