
SeaKem GTG agarose

Performance tested for separation and manipulation of DNA >1 kb
Performance tested for separation and manipulation of DNA >1 kb.

A standard gelling temperature, high gel strength agarose that resolves DNA fragments greater than 1,000 bp. This Genetic Technology Grade (GTG) agarose is specifically designed for preparative DNA electrophoresis. DNA recovered from SeaKem GTG agarose gels may be reliably digested and ligated.

SeaKem GTG agarose is extensively performance tested to ensure complete compatibility with routine molecular biology techniques. A Certificate of Performance containing end-use test information is supplied with each shipment.

NOTE: Extensive studies by BioWhittaker Molecular Applications have shown that inhibition of DNA modifying enzymes does not correlate with any of the traditional specifications of agarose, such as sulfate, moisture, EEO, or gel strength. Only rigorous end-use testing supports functionality.

Analytical Specifications
Gelling temp. (1.5%): 36 ± 1.5° C
Moisture: <10%
Sulfate: <0.15%
EEO (-mr): 0.09-0.13
Gel strength (1%): >1,200 g/cm2

Performance and Quality Tests

Restriction endonuclease digestion test: Eco RI and Hind III are tested for complete digestion of electroeluted linearized pBR322 DNA.

Ligation test: T4 DNA ligase activity is tested using electroeluted linearized pBR322 DNA.

DNase and RNase activity: None detected.

Resolution: DNA fragments >1,000 bp are finely resolved after electrophoresis.

Gel background: Gel exhibits low background fluorescence after ethidium bromide staining.

DNA binding: None detected.

N/A, 191 Thomaston Street, Rockland, ME 04841. Tel: 207-594-3480; Fax: 207-594-3426.