Optional Equipment
The Heat Recovery System (HRS) is not an integral part of the system. However, from an environmental point of view, there are great benefits in re-using the heat or recovering point of view, there are great benefits in re-using the heat or recovering it to produce process steam or hot water.
The HRS equipment can be installed with the initial instillation or can be added after the system is installed, i.e. retrofitted. Due to flucuating nature of heat supply, it is recommended that any heat recovery system be installed as supplemental rather than from a primary source.
Air Emissions Scrubber
The Scrubber is a highly efficient, economical, low-pressure drop, wet scrubber suitable for the capture of particulates and the absorption of metals, gas and vapours. The unit uses cooling spray chamber technology to cool the afterburner exhaust gas, then utilizes spray chamber technology, where stacked gas is passed through a rectangular chamber and contacted with a liquid scrubbing spray produced by spray nozzles. Droplet size is carefully controlled through a series of composite pads to optimize particle contact and to provide easy droplet separation from the gas system.
Automated Waste Loading/Compaction System
Designed to minimize human handling of waste in the loading process. This also speeds up the loading process.- a definite advantage in high volume operations.
Designed and manufactured to crush and compact industrial and commercial waste. Recommended for shopping centers, apartments, supermarkets, industrial plants.
Compaction is not recommended for Biomedical and Laboratory Waste Oxidizer Units. However, automated loading systems are available.
The Ram Feeder (optional) is an accessory used to push waste inside the Primary Chamber without compaction.
Eco Waste Solutions Inc., 5195 Harvester Road, Unit 6, Burlington, ON L7L 6E9. Tel: 905-634-7022; Fax: 905-634-0831.