NO/CO2 Analyzer (NO, CO2, H2O)

LGR's new NO/CO2 (nitric oxide, carbon dioxide) Analyzer simultaneously measures nitric oxide, carbon dioxide and water vapor with extraordinary precision continuously and in real time. (For measurements of N2O and CO, please refer to LGR's N2O/CO Analyzer.) The instrument may be set up in minutes and does not require any cryogens or consumables. In addition, the Analyzer simultaneously measures water vapor concentration with very high precision and accuracy. As a result, the instrument also reports the measured gases on a dry mol fraction basis accurately in real time without the need for sample drying, empirical corrections, or any post processing. Of course, unlike conventional chemiluminescence analyzers, LGR's laser-based analyzers do not require any ozone or other consummables.
The NO/CO2 Analyzer is designed for demanding applications including trace-gas (air quality) monitoring, eddy-correlation flux measurements, chamber flux measurements, engine exhaust, flight studies and combustion diagnostics. The Analyzer is particularly well suited for measurements in the field, or in the lab, and is unaffected by other atmospheric gases or changes in atmospheric pressure.
The NO/CO2 Analyzer uses LGR’s patented Off-axis ICOS technology, the fourth-generation cavity enhanced absorption technique, which employs a high-finesse optical cavity as the measurement cell. LGR’s technology has many proven advantages over conventional first-generation cavity ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS) techniques. In brief, since the laser beam does not have to be resonantly coupled to the measurement cell (i.e. precise beam alignment is not critical), LGR Analyzers are relatively inexpensive, simple to build, and inherently robust thermally and mechanically. In addition, since LGR’s technology can record reliable absorption spectra over a far wider range of optical depths (absorbance values) compared with CRDS, LGR Analyzers provide measurements over a much wider range of gas concentrations. Finally, due to the ease and simplicity of recording and quantifying the measured spectra using LGR’s Off-Axis ICOS, LGR Analyzers display the entire absorption spectra to the user in real time allowing for immediate system diagnostics and performance validation.
The NO/CO2 Analyzer includes an internal computer (Linux OS) that can store data practically indefinitely on its internal hard drive (for applications requiring unattended longer term operation), and send real-time data to a data logger through its analog and digital (RS232) outputs. In addition, the availability of many value-added options extends the abilities of the unit to automatically handle multiple inlet sources (e.g., from flux towers or distributed sites) for uninterrupted measurements over periods of weeks.
As with all LGR analyzers, the NO/CO2 Analyzer may be fully controlled remotely via the Internet. This capability allows the user to operate the analyzer using a web browser practically anywhere. Furthermore, remote access provides the opportunity to obtain and share data and to diagnose the instrument operation without being on site.
For use in eddy covariance flux applications, check out our Eddy Covariance Package. For use in soil flux applications, please ask about our Soil Flux package.