
Model 770 Zero Air Generators

Source: Environmental Systems Corporation
The Model 770 Zero Air Generators are fully self-cotained systems that provide continuous instrument quality air at a rate of 10 liters per minute at a minimum pressure of 15 psig...
The Model 770 Zero Air Generators are fully self-cotained systems that provide continuous instrument quality air at a rate of 10 liters per minute at a minimum pressure of 15 psig. The portable model weighs in at just 28 pounds. The rack mount model can be added to any standard 19" rack. The wall mount version is designed to supply up to three CEM dilution probes or their equivalent. Each model is ESC quality throughout for years of performance built in!

Environmental Systems Corporation, 200 Tech Center Drive, Knoxville, TN 37912. Tel: 708-389-4311; Fax: 708-389-4490.