Model 311 Portable GC
Source: Process Analyzers, LLC
Process-Analyzers - HNU brings the lab to the field with on-site analysis in one compact field portable instrument...
Process-Analyzers - HNU brings the lab to the field with on-site analysis in one compact field portable instrument. All GC components are in a single package. Analyze liquids ( water, solvents), solids (soils), & gases with one instrument. The microprocessor controlled HNU Model 311 D portable Gas Chromatograph has a dual detector capability, chosen from six interchangeable detectors: Photoionization (PID), Flame Ionization (FID), Electron Capture, (ECD), Flame photometric detector (S or P), Thermal conductivity detector (TCD) or Far-UltraViolet Absorbance (FUVAD). Peakworks for Windows software (runs on a portable PC) and temperature programming allow for the simultaneous measurement of VOCs and SVOCs. The GC311 is the most versatile portable GC available.
The Model 311D portable gas chromatograph (GC) is the most versatile, reliable, and accurate field GC in the market. Providing laboratory quality results in the field.
Assures precise detection and identification of compounds from low parts per billion to percent levels.
- Widest Range & Best Detectors in the Industry
Specific: FPD, ECD; Selective: PID, FID; General: TCD, FUV
- Types of Samples
Liquids, gases, water, soil, headspace, stack effluents, process...
- Dual Detector Capability
Run in-series with non-destructive detectors such as PID, FUV or parallel.
- Easy to Use
Even non-technical people are comfortable using this GC -- ZRAM allows GC to be programmed for field use.
- Ideal for Dedicated Applications
Automatic 10 port valve can be programmed for automatic operation at ppb levels
- Packed/Capillary Injectors
Heated injector for manual injection of gases or liquids
- Packed and Capillary Columns
Large oven- any manufacturers columns can be used
- Temperature Programming
For faster analyses; VOC and SVOC's (PAH's, Pesticides, plasticizers) in same sample
- PeakWorks for Windows Software
Expands the capabilities of the GC through the following: Bidirectional comunication, Dual channel data acquisition, reintegration, method/job storage,...
- Sample Concentrator
A built-in /concentrator (thermal desorber) is available as an option for IAQ and fenceline measurements where ppb to ppt levels are to be measured
- Applications
Mobile Labs, Process Surveys, Industrial Hygiene Surveys, Stack Sampling, Ambient Air monitoring and Field Measurements.
- Chemicals
Methylene chloride, 1,3 butadiene, benzene, hydrogen sulfide, THT, mercaptans, pesticides, chlorophenols, ammonia, amines, TCE, TCA, H2, Cl2, ... call hnu
- Range
from ppt levels (concentrator) to % levels with TCD; ambient to process
Process Analyzers, LLC, 25 Walpole Park South Dr., Walpole, MA 02081. Tel: 508-660-5001; Fax: 508-660-5040.
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