Instruments Galore Catalog

Instruments Galore Catalog
This catalog has 44 full-color pages filled with ISO 9001-certified instruments for testing, measuring, calibrating, datalogging and controlling processes. Its table of contents includes: ac leakage testers; air velocity meters, adapters; balances; calibrators-current and voltage; calibrators-thermocouple and RTD; calibrators-pH and mV; capacitance meters; clamp-on multimeters-DCA/ACA; conductivity meters, controllers; controller-pH/ORP; controllers-process, temperature; counting scale, PC interface; data-acquisition systems; dataloggers; dc power supplies; ELM/EMF gauss meters; force-gage meters; frequency counters; gas leakage testers, ultrasonic; humidity meters, recorders; IR thermometers; light level meters and adapters; megohm (insulation) testers; multimeters; multimeter adapters; NEMA enclosures/covers; panel meters, indicators, controllers; phase rotation testers, phase DMM; pH/mV/temperature meters; pH/ORP electrodes; portable printers; power meters; pressure meters; refractometers; recorders-pH meters; scanners-pH, temperature; soldering stations; sound-level meters/dataloggers; stopwatches; tachometers; temperature probes; thermometers; timers-programmable, countdown; transmitters-temperature, V,A; and viscosity meters.
Extech Instruments Corporation, 335 Bear Hill Road, Waltham, MA 02154-1020. Tel: (617) 890-7440; Fax: (617) 890 7864.