Enviro Stats
Source: Geotech Computer Systems, Inc.
Enviro Stats is a full-featured statistics, spreadsheet and graphics program. It is designed to provide project personnel with increased capabilities to analyze and interpret environmental data.
Enviro Stats is a full-featured statistics, spreadsheet and graphics program. It is designed to provide project personnel with increased capabilities to analyze and interpret environmental data. Enviro Stats works with the Enviro Data environmental database, and is compatible with the Enviro Spase geographic information system. The three programs together provide a powerful suite of tools to manage environmental data, or each can work on its own to satisfy a specific need. Enviro Stats can be connected to any database in Microsoft Access format, or can import data in a variety of formats. A variety of statistical tests and analyses can be performed on the data, including one and two-way analyses of variance (ANOVA), calculation of basic statistics, fitting of linear and non-linear functions to data, comparing the means and variances of data sets, and calculating the likelihood of observing a particular value in a specific data set. Enviro Stats provides geostatistical capabilities, including variograms and kriging, and outlier analysis for quality control of analytical data. The system also allows plots of data to be prepared interactively. Enviro Stats fully supports the use of qualifying codes, which are used commonly in the field of applied geochemistry, to help maintain data integrity. The system allows relatively unrestricted storage, manipulation, and analysis of free-form data.
Geotech Computer Systems, Inc., 7346 South Alton Way, Suite L, Englewood, CO 80112. Tel: 877-740-1999; Fax: 303-740-1990.
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