Case Study

Case Study: Eco-Tec H2S Scrubber Purifies Gas For Reuse In Greenhouse

A landfill gas scrubber was required for the removal of H2S thereby allowing the gas to be used as a source of both heat and CO2 to a greenhouse on the site.

3,085 Nm3/hour of saturated landfill gas is extracted from the wells at a maximum temperature of 40°C and with a H2S concentration of 50 ppmv. The greenhouse, RGMRM's customer, specified that the gas needs to be provided to them with an H2S concentration less than 1 ppmv and dried to a maximum dew point temperature of 3°C.

The system was designed to handle the complete flow through two single contactors to remove the H2S down to the required level. The purified gas was then compressed (to 1 barg) and then chilled to meet the greenhouse's requirements. The overall system displaced the need for 9,000,000 m3/year of natural gas and as a result, reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by approximately 135,000 tons of CO2.The H2S in the treated gas is less than 1ppmv, and generally below the detection limit of 0.2 ppmv over the entire inlet concentration range.

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