
WEF Technical Discussion Groups

Source: Water Environment Federation (WEF) - WEFTEC
Technical Discussion Groups provide WEF members and water quality professionals with a forum to exchange ideas, share experiences, and offer solutions to everyday workplace issues. There's something for everyone with twenty-one discussions to choose from...
Technical Discussion Groups provide WEF members and water quality professionals with a forum to exchange ideas, share experiences, and offer solutions to everyday workplace issues. There's something for everyone with twenty-one discussions to choose from.

Current Discussions

Networking Forums

Academic and Student
WEF's academic community connection. Post questions, discuss issues, and network among your colleagues.

Foros de Discusión Técnica
Los foros de discusión técnica ofrecen al miembro de WEF y expertos en calidad de aguas un espacio en el cual pueden intercambiar ideas, compartir experiencias, y ofrecer soluciones a problemas diarios de empresa. Con veintiun foros de discusión de las cual escojer, hay algo para todos.

Technical Discussion Group in Spanish
The connection for the Spanish speaking community of WEF. This technical discussion group provides WEF members and water quality professionals with a forum to exchange ideas, share experiences, and offer solutions to everyday workplace issues. Comment, ask, discuss with your colleagues!

Technical Solution Forums

Air Quality
Odor and VOC Control

Biological Nutrient Removal
Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal

Biosolids & Solids
Wastewater Residuals, 503 Regulations, Conditioning, Thickening, Dewatering, Stabilization, Beneficial Use, Public Education

Collection Systems
Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs), Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), Wet Weather Issues, Infiltration & Inflow, Maintenance & Repair, Rehabilitation, Trenchless Technology

Chlorination/Dechlorination, UV, Ozone

Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Environmental Management Systems and Alternatives, ISO14000, Best Management Practices, Pretreatment, Pollution Prevention, EMS Initiatives Related to POTWs and Industries, Waste Minimization, Total Cost Accounting

Industrial Wastes Treatment
Chemical/Physical and Biological Treatment, Innovative Treatment Technologies, Membrane Technologies, Industrial Residuals

Instrumentation and Control
Remote monitoring, Control Equipment and Software, Monitoring Equipment, Automation, Sensors

Laboratory Management & Technical Issues
Standard Methods (Sampling & Testing), Quality Control/Quality Assurance, NELAC, Certification, Method Detection Limits, Performance Based Measurement Systems

Operation & Maintenance
Troubleshooting, Plant Maintenance and General Operations.

Safety & Health
Wastewater Treatment Plant and Laboratory Safety and Health Issues, OSHA Compliance

Small Systems
Package Plants, Lagoons, Natural Systems

Utility Management
Privatization, Benchmarking, Management Information Systems, Chemical Use, Energy Efficiency, Contract Operations, Financial and Personnel Issues, Public Relations, Plant Management

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