
VOC: Volatile Organics Biofilter Design And Supply

Source: PRD Tech, Inc.
PRD Tech designs and supplies the MultiPhase Biofilter for treating emissions of volatile organic Compounds (VOC). A wide variety of VOCs, which traditionally have been treated in thermal oxidizers, can be effectively treated using the MultiPhase Biofilter. These systems have been installed and are currently operating at Wood Product Plants, Chemical operations, etc.

Click Here To Download:
Technical Note: Biotrickling Filters For Treating Emissions From Composite Manufacturing Operations And Paint Spray Booths
Technical Note: Biomedia For Biotrickling Filters
Presentation: New Biofiltration Technology For MACT Compliance (MultiPhase BioSystem™)

PRD Tech designs and supplies the MultiPhase Biofilter for treating emissions of volatile organic Compounds (VOC). A wide variety of VOCs, which traditionally have been treated in thermal oxidizers, can be effectively treated using the MultiPhase Biofilter. These systems have been installed and are currently operating at Wood Product Plants, Chemical operations, etc. Major advantages over thermal oxidizers includes: (1) no consumption of natural gas, which substantially lowers operating cost; (2) no significant emission of carbon dioxide, thereby achieving a significant reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, a well known greenhouse gas; (3) compact footprint; (4) able to handle solids in the influent gas and biomass growth on the media; (5) able to treat influent gases at fairly elevated temperatures; and (6) very cost effective when compared even to the most efficient regenerative thermal oxidizers.

With the recent emphasis on Climate Change and water conservation, The MultiPhase Biosystem meets all these challenges and functions in an efficient and cost-effective manner. Why use oxidant chemicals, which incur large liabilities and produce dangerous and toxic by-products in most cases, when you can use a "greener, environment-friendly" approach, which can destroy the contaminants into benign products.

Click Here To Download:
Technical Note: Biotrickling Filters For Treating Emissions From Composite Manufacturing Operations And Paint Spray Booths
Technical Note: Biomedia For Biotrickling Filters
Presentation: New Biofiltration Technology For MACT Compliance (MultiPhase BioSystem™)